In Fittings Estándar we have added to our catalogue a new product, PERT EVOH 5 LAYERS pipe, the most flexible pipe in the market, ideal for Underfloor Heating Installations.
Apart from the great flexibility, its principal advantage is oxygen diffusion barrier EVOH:
A coating that reduces drastically the pipe oxygen diffusion permeability, with permeability <0,03 mgO2/m2-day.
As we well know, oxygen is one of the most important elements, necessary for living.
However, it is not always welcome everywhere, as it can cause some type of corrosion (rust included).
The rust and the residues can contaminate the valves, installation components and the piping system (cold and hot UFH systems) and those can even be obstructed as time passes.
The more oxygen penetrates into the water that runs in the installation, the bigger is the possibility of corrosion appearance in the system.
The pipe is ideal for 2 reasons:
- Avoids the mud creation caused by the oxygen in the water and therefore increases the installation lifetime without having to clean the circuits.
- Avoids the corrosion of metal elements of the installation (boiler, manifolds, fittings …) due the the great oxygen impermeability, increasing the lifetime not only of the pipe, but also of all the installation components.
PERT type II Adhesive EVOH – the oxygen barrier EVOH is situated in the intermediate layer to assure that it cannot be damaged during the installation or transport.
Fittings Estándar has been working in the sector for 22 years, always satisfying and surpassing the expectations and needs of the customers. Thanks to the own investigation centre we guarantee productivity and quality of our products.